IS a documentary filmmaker turned screenwriter, who recently cowrote and directed a Lifetime movie, that premiered in May 2020. Like James Bond, Lucinda holds three passports and currently resides in Bermuda, a British island, but really a suburb of New York. Far from the Lifetime universe, her true calling is telling real-life stories about people who have great reckonings in their lives and find themselves in uncommon circumstances. Her screenplay Me & Jezebel inspired by a true story about Bette Davis, won the Worldfest Houston screenplay competition, placed 3rd in National Screenwriters Day, and was a semifinalist in the Screencraft Comedy Competition. When Lucinda isn’t writing she is giving astrology readings. The late William Goldman is her birthday twin. If you can’t guess already, Lucinda is a Leo.
"Life is like arriving late for a movie, having to figure out what was going on without bothering everybody with a lot of questions and then being unexpectedly called away before you find out how it ends." Joesph Campbell, Creative Mythology.
Writing for the screen is Lucinda's first passion. Her documentary work fueled a greater passion for adapting true stories for the fiction/narrative world proving her talent for molding true stories into satisfying cinema. An ongoing creative evolution led Lucinda to also write original screenplays. Comedy and Drama. A thriller or two.
Here are some of her projects. If they are adaptations she holds the story rights and is more than likely looking for financing and producing partners.
"Tell me a fact and I'll learn. Tell me a truth and I will believe, but tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever." Native American saying.
Lucinda's most recent film is Maternal Secrets, (formerly titled Babymoon) distributed by MarVista and broadcast on Lifetime in May 2020. Lucinda writes and directs feature films but her career began directing independent documentaries. Her first documentary, Rare Bird (2006) screened in the U.S. on PBS and across the world on TV and in film Festivals. Her follow up a three part historical series for PBS: The Lion and the Mouse, is narrated by Michael Douglas. Her 2013 film, In The Hour of Victory won Best Director at the Southampton Film Festival.